Mandatory Water Restrictions, June 2023

Garden Hose

In accordance with Hanover's Water Management Act Permit (9P3- 4-21-122.01) and to ensure adequate and sustainable reserves for drinking and firefighting purposes through the summer, residents and businesses are required to limit outside watering of lawns, plantings, and gardens to odd numbered home on odd numbered days, and even numbered homes on even numbered days between 6:00 AM to 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM with hand-held hoses only. Use of any sprinklers is prohibited.

Any person violating the water restrictions shall be liable to the Town in the amount of $50.00 for the first violation and $100.00 for each subsequent violation in accordance with the Hanover Town By-Law 6-24.

Private wells must be registered at the DPW office (781-826-3189) and a "PRIVATE WELL" sign shall be posted on the property, visible from the street.

Per order of the Town Manager
May 16, 2023