Field Maintenance 5/11/23

May 12th through May 13th
Forge Pond Park

The Town of Hanover will be performing field maintenance and placing a weed treatment on clayed infields, warning tracks, and mulch beds on May 12-13, 2023.

The schedule of treatment for each field/facility is as follows:

Field/ParkTreatment Date
Forge Pond Park5/12/23

Veterans Memorial

Brigg's Field5/12/23
Sylvester Field5/12/23
Amos Gallant Field5/12/23
Ellis Field5/12/23
Myrtle Field5/12/23
Field/ParkTreatment Date
Middle School Fields5/13/23
Cedar School Fields5/13/23
Center School Fields5/13/23
High School Fields5/13/23

We apologize for any inconvenience but this is a necessary maintenance function in order to maintain the health of the facilities.  For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at 781-826-3189 or