Raising Digital Natives: What’s New? What’s Now? What’s Next? Virtual Event

Katie Greer, Internet Safety Expert
Event Date: 
Monday, March 20, 2023 - 7:00pm

It can be daunting being a parent in these digitally-driven times, where our kids were born natives and as parents, we’re desperately trying to keep up. For a fourth time, the Marblehead community will welcome Marblehead graduate Katie LeClerc Greer, a nationally recognized digital safety expert, to update parents on the latest tech trends, safety issues, and tips on how to help our kids have a productive, healthy relationship with technology. Katie will be speaking to Village, Vets and MHS students over three days, so this unique opportunity is for parents ONLY. Come learn what’s new, what’s now, and what’s next when it comes to your kids and technology.