Proposed FY16 Budget

Proposed FY16 Operating Budget (PDF)

Presented to the Board of Selectmen February 4, 2015 by Town Manager Troy Clarkson (Video)

This budget is historic in a couple of ways:

  • It is the first budget in many years that is balanced without the use of free cash.  This practice, initiated under the leadership and policy direction of the Board of Selectmen, is a sustainable and responsible development that has Hanover spending – and operating – within its means.  We have been able to accomplish this while maintaining our high level of service to the people and businesses of Hanover.
  • It also conforms with the strict requirements of the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA).  Also an initiative of the Board, this represents a new level of open government and transparency.  The link provides a window into this volume of information, including detailed information on our revenues, proposed spending, reserves, and accomplishments from each of our departments.  This represents an incredible team effort, led by Project Manager Art Ceurvels, Finance Director Janine Smith, and Community Services Intern Will Barrett.