Hanover Public Schools Progress Report on Construction and Improvement Projects 8/11/23

Hanover H

As we move into the final weeks of summer, we want to provide you with an update on the three ongoing construction projects at Hanover Public Schools. We are very excited about these changes and hope to have another update prior to school starting.

Hanover Middle School Water Main and Paving

The new water main from Whiting Street to Hanover Middle School has been completed. Over the next few weeks, the driveway will be graded and resurfaced. The Hanover DPW will continue to gradually increase and improve the asphalt around HMS as time and resources allow. Approximately 15 new visitor parking spaces have been added as part of the current paving work.

Cedar School Vestibule and Curbing

The improved vestibule/entrance project at Cedar School is nearing completion. The reconfigured main office and reception area significantly increases the security of the school while ensuring a welcoming and efficient experience for visitors. New curbing, sidewalks, and other aesthetic changes will welcome our students and staff. 

Hanover High School Turf Field and Track

The old HHS turf field has been removed, and the field area is prepared for the new turf carpet to arrive in early September. New goalposts have been installed, and the infrastructure for the safety netting in each end zone is complete. The track and field stations have been reoriented, and the track is prepared to be resurfaced. The timeline for access to the turf field remains late September as planned. We await final plans for the resurfacing of the track. That process may be pushed out in order to prioritize the opening of the turf field, but plans are underway to provide access to the track for students and community members for walking while we wait for the resurfacing to be done. More information will follow as the project timeline is finalized.  

Have a fun and relaxing August. We look forward to seeing everybody soon.


Matt Ferron