Depression and Suicide Awareness and Prevention Workshop

December 11th at 2pm in the Parish Hall at First Parish of Norwell Unitarian Universalist
Event Date: 
Sunday, December 11, 2022 - 2:00pm

Do you know how to recognize suicide's warning signs and risk factors? How would you talk with a friend if you worried they were depressed or suicidal?

Everyone should have answers to those questions, and that's why everyone is invited to this FREE informational workshop provided by the Samaritans and First Parish of Norwell. The topics are relevant to teens, parents, seniors, and everyone in between. Bring your teen, bring your parent, or bring a friend - learn this vital information together. Refreshments provided I
You will leave the workshop with the skills and knowledge to better understand the specific challenges facing a variety of groups, and how to best help someone who may be struggling. During the workshop, you will learn how to:

  • Learn how to ask directly about suicidal intent and how to best support those in crisis
  • Recognize warning signs and risk factors of suicide
  • Find resources to help yourself or a loved one
  • Manage stress and develop effective coping skills through discussion, safety planning, and self-care

Community connectedness has a role to play in reducing the stigma associated with suicide and mental illness - a stigma that inhibits people from discussing their feelings and challenges. Break the silence and initiate conversation at this workshop on suicide prevention, mental health, and wellness, presented by Samaritans' Community Education and Outreach team.

The mission of Samaritans is to reduce the incidence of suicide by alleviating despair, isolation, distress, and suicidal feelings among individuals in the community, 24 hours a day; to educate the public about suicide prevention; to help those who have lost a loved one to suicide, and to reduce the stigma associated with suicide.

  • Depression and Suicide Awareness and Prevention Workshop
  • Parish Hall at First Parish of Norwell Unitarian Universalist, 24 River Street, Norwell, Massachusetts.
  • December 11, 2022, 2:00 pm

Contact with questions.