Changes to the Excise Tax Commitment Files for 2021

RUN 2 and 2020 RUN 8

2021 RUN 2 Excise Tax Commitment

The Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) has discovered a garaging address issue that occurred with many of the garage addresses in the 2021 RUN 1 Excise Tax Commitment file. 

The error occurred when we processed a file from the National Change of Address that updates mailing addresses in the RMV system. Although this issue has caused confusion, the bill did go to the correct municipality, but the file contained an incorrect garage address for some records. 

Therefore, to minimize any impact of this issue, the RMV has decided to delay the delivery of the RUN 2 Excise Tax Commitment file which was scheduled for March 12, 2021. 

The RMV is in the process of resolving this issue and will combine the RUN 2 and RUN 3 Excise Tax Commitment files and send one file in May 2020 (the file will be considered RUN 2). In other words, the next Motor Vehicle Excise bill will be mailed in late May or June. 

2020 RUN 8 Excise Tax Commitment

In addition, the RMV will still run the 2020 RUN 8 Excise Tax Commitment file. This is a much smaller file, so we have been able to do an internal review of those records and feel confident that those records are correct. 

If you have any questions, please send an email to or contact the Hanover Assessing Office at or by calling 781-826-6401.