COVID-19 Update 3/17/20

As a reminder, you should stay home if you have symptoms, contact your physician.

We wanted to start with that statement so you would know that we are taking every step to help control the spread of all respiratory viruses (Flu and COVID-19) in our community. The Health Office and the Board of Health are working to get out information to the Hanover Community accurately and quickly.

Please visit the Town of Hanover COVID-19 page for the most recent updates and guidance and links to other web pages regarding the COVID-19 virus. If you have additional questions please email and we will respond to all questions.

If you are feeling symptoms or you are sick stay home, don’t go out into public places or visit people in their homes, hospitals and stores. If you need medication contact your pharmacy and they will fill your prescriptions and mail them directly to your home.

We are again asking everyone to please stay home. We do understand that many have additional responsibilities and need to be at work or caring for others that are not able to care for themselves. Please also take care of yourself or you will be no good for others.

From World Health Organization

Do the Five:

  • HANDS Wash them often
  • ELBOW Cough into it
  • FACE Don’t touch it
  • FEET Stay more than 6 feet apart
  • FEEL sick? Stay home

Again, if you feel sick;

  • Temperature 100.3°F
  • Shortness of breath/difficulty breathing
  • Cough

Please contact your physician for guidance and stay home.