Update on Cancer Study 2/16/21

DPH Presentation

While a presentation provided by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) on November 14, 2012, concluded that of 23 cancer types studied between 2004-2008 the occurrences were typical, with the exception of ovarian cancer which the study concluded that incidences were “elevated” but did not show “unusual patterns”, Town of Hanover officials contacted DPH in late spring of 2019 requesting a comprehensive study on brain-cancer rates, at the request of Mr. Nick Squires. Since that time, and on a regular, monthly basis, Town officials have asked DPH about the status of the study. It has been conveyed to us that the process of data gathering, analyzing, and reporting in a scientifically valid manner is a time-intensive endeavor because, among other reasons, the necessary information must be obtained through multiple databases. The Town of Hanover does not have access to the required databases nor do we have the expertise to do this study on our own; this is why we asked the professionals at DPH for their assistance. Furthermore, Hanover officials have sought to ensure the study was performed objectively and professionally without interference from anyone who could be considered to have an interest in the outcome, except for accurately reporting the data. Hanover officials to-date have not been provided with the report, a draft report, or any documentation related to the study. On February 14, 2021, the Department of Public Health provided us with the following statement:

“DPH anticipates that we will be able to share the results of our review of cancer incidence data with Hanover town officials and the community by the end of March 2021. We look forward to sharing these findings of this important review at that time.”