Chapman's Landing Project - Volunteers Needed 11/9/21

Chapman's Landing

The Hanover Open Space Committee will be working with our partners at Wildlands Trust to improve walking trails at the Chapman's Landing conservation area on Wednesday, November 24, 2021, at 9:00 AM.  We'll be installing bog bridging over wet areas, repairing boardwalks, and trimming where necessary.

If you've never been to that area, it's definitely worth a trip!  The trail runs along the confluence of the Indian Head and North Rivers on Hanover's southern border.  We need volunteers to carry materials and install bridging - under the expert supervision of knowledgeable folks from Wildlands Trust.

We'll meet at the boat launch parking lot on Indian Head Drive.  Materials will be provided, but tools (gloves, safety glasses, drill, saw, loppers) would be most helpful.  Please join us in making this trail network more user-friendly.

To register, go to our event registration page.  For additional information, please contact