Taxation Aid Committee

Disabled and Elderly Fund

If you are experiencing financial hardship and are in need of additional assistance, please contact the following departments. There are several programs to assist those in need. 

The Taxation Aid Fund is intended to be a last resort for those experiencing unusual circumstances who cannot be helped by the town's other services. Please first avail yourself of any applicable services offered by the above offices.

The Hanover Taxation Aid Fund was created in 1999 to assist low income elderly and disabled persons with their real estate taxes. The fund consists totally of donations. 

The Taxation Aid Committee administers the fund. It is made up of the Chairman of the Board of Assessors, the Town Treasurer, and three residents appointed by the Selectboard. 

To apply, please sign and date the Application and send it, along with a letter explaining your disability (if applicable), the nature of your financial hardship, and any unusual circumstances, to the following address:

Taxation Aid Committee
550 Hanover Street
Hanover, MA 02339

If you need assistance filling out this form or have any questions, please contact the Council on Aging or the Town Treasurer.

Staff Contacts

Name Title Phone
Chelsea Stevens Finance Director/Town Accountant 781-826-5000, ext. 1037

Committee Members

Name Title
Nancy Lyons Chair