Change to Legal Ad Payments

Advertising fees to be billed directly to Applicant by Gatehouse Media.

Starting March 1, 2019, in regard to the payment of legal advertisements for public hearing notifications, Gatehouse Media will bill the fees for legals ads directly to the Applicant.  This will discontinue the policy of submitting Gatehouse Media checks/payments to town departments for processing.  Please be aware that listing the correct mailing address for all Applicants is essential to avoid delays in the public hearing process.  This policy change effects those Applicants with business before the Conservation Commission, Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals, or any other board/committee within the Dept. of Community Development and Municipal Inspections (CDMI) that requires  the posting of a public hearing.  NOTE:  Legal ads as written by each board/committee will still be submitted to Gatehouse Media by the individual board/committee-  this change in payment policy effects only the billing ("Bill to:   ") aspect of the legal advertising process.  

If you have any questions, please contact Sandy MacFarlane or Derek Vozzella at 781-826-6505.