Public Works Capital Projects

May 2019 Annual Town Meeting

ArticleGroupProject NameAppropriation ($)Project Update
21FacilitiesHigh School Tennis Courts668,000Complete - Reconstruction of the Tennis Courts was completed in November of 2020.
22FacilitiesCedar School Security Improvements260,000

Project has been bid and bids are currently being reviewed.


Installation of a security film treatment on the existing curtain wall was completed on August 2nd.

23FacilitiesRenovate Cedar School Bathrooms Complete - Work has been completed.
26Highway4x4 Pickup Truck with Plow42,000

Complete - Vehicle has been purchased an is in service.

27Public GroundsCemetery One-ton Dump Truck70,000Complete - Vehicle has been purchased an is in service..
33Water DistributionWater Service Van Replacement38,000Complete - Vehicle has been purchased an is in service.
34Water DistributionWater Mains 2020300,000Approved by Town Meeting 5/6/2019.  Developing final specification. 

May 2018 Annual Town Meeting

ArticleGroupProject NameAppropriation ($)Project Update
20HighwayLarge Dump Truck 19190,000Complete - Vehicle has been purchased and is in service.
21Water DistributionOne-ton Dump Truck Replacement63,000Complete - Vehicle has been purchased and is in service.
23Public GroundsOne-ton Dump Truck 1963,000Complete - The one ton dump truck has been purchased and equipped and is in service.
24Water TreatmentPond Street Generator Replacement200,000This project to replace a 45 year old generator for the Town's main water treatment plant is currently in design.  The project includes a new generator and automatic transfer switch.  We expect it will go to bid in the summer of 2019 with construction in the fall of 2019. 
25Water DistributionTowed Air Compressor 1925,000Complete - The towed air compressor has been purchased and equipped and is in service.
27Water DistributionWater Mains 2019200,000

Complete - Heavy Construction Work has been completed on this Phase of the Project.


This is the second phase of a project to reinforce fire flow capabilities for the large buildings in the center of town through the installation of a 12-inch reinforcing water main on Main Street from Plain Street to the center of town.   


The May 2018 appropriation will continue the water main installation from Meeting Hill Lane to Grove Street.

29HighwayStreet Light Conversion190,000Complete - The conversion to LED street lights commenced in February of 2019 was completed in June of 2019.

May 2017 Annual Town Meeting

ArticleProject NameAppropriation ($)Project Update
33Large Dump Truck 18190,000Complete - The large dump truck has been purchased and equipped and is in service
24Pickup Truck with plow 1841,000Complete - The pickup truck with plow truck has been purchased and equipped and is in service
35Dam Repairs Design 1830,000Repairs to the Curtis Crossing Dam are currently in design and are expected to take place in the summer of 2019 in conjunction with the Town of Pembroke if funds are appropriated at the May 2019 Annual Town Meeting
36Broadway Media and Related Work 201880,000The work under this project is ongoing.  Valves have been replaced on several filters which should reduce waste and improve reliability and water quality. Additional valve work is on-going. Media was tested and found to be in better condition than expected.  As such, we expect to simply add media that has been lost through operations over the past few years rather than fully replacing all of the media.
372.5 ton Vibratory Roller 1840,000Complete - The vibratory roller has been purchased and equipped and is in service
38Tractor 1832,000Complete - The tractor for the cemetery has been purchased and equipped and is in service
39Water Mains 2018200,000

This is the first phase of a project to reinforce fire flow capabilities for the large buildings in the center of town through the installation of a 12-inch reinforcing water main on Main Street from Plain Street to the center of town.   The May 2017 appropriation funded installation of a 12-inch reinforcing main on Main Street from Plain Street to Meeting Hill Lane.  Worked was performed by Town forces with the help of rented equipment.  A leveling course of asphalt will be placed over the project area in the summer of 2019.  The project will continue through the appropriation in Article 27 of the May 2018 Town Meeting in the summer of 2019.

40Treatment Plant Upgrades2,800,000

Work under this project is ongoing.  The article provided funding for a number of projects at all three treatment plants.  Some of this work such as replacement of chemical storage and chemical feed systems was included in the disinfection byproduct reduction work that is currently under construction.  Control work is proceeding as is pump replacements.  The projects contemplated under this article need to be carefully staged to not take treatment plants off-line and to not interfere with existing disinfection byproduct construction activities and as such we are waiting for disinfection byproduct work to be completed before taking on some of these projects. 

May 2016 Annual Town Meeting

ArticleProject NameAppropriation ($)Project Status
STM-4Water Master Plan 2016100,000This project was designed to update the hydraulic model of the water distribution system and to make recommendations for capital improvements.  The first step in the project was to update the system map and hydraulic model.  In updating the map, the department and its consulting engineers did a comprehensive review of available maps and historical files, expanding the original scope of the project, to ensure that the final map and model were as accurate as possible.  This work has been completed.  The engineers are awaiting guidance on the level of effort that the Town wants to employ to calibrate the hydraulic model.  Fully calibrating the model will require extensive flow testing in the system to stress the system which will stir up sediments, causing townwide water quality issues.  At this point the engineers are performing a desktop calibrating using standpipe levels, treatment flows, and user demand data.  After this preliminary calibration is complete a final decision on full calibration  will be made as well as the final goals of the master planning process. 
STM-5Pond Street Equipment 2016500,000This project will make improvements to and replace equipment inside the settling tanks at the Pond Street Water Treatment Plant.  The project has been designed and is currently under review by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (Mass DEP).  Construction can only take place in the winter months as the Pond Street WTP will have to be off-line for extended periods to replaced the equipment.  We expect the work will take place in the winter of 2019-2020.  
23Wood Chipper 1740,000Complete - The wood chipper has been purchased and is in service.
24Fuel Pumps 1760,000New fuel pumps were installed in May of 2019. 
25Large Dump Truck 17190,000Complete - The large dump truck has been purchased and equipped and is in service
26Vacuum Sweeper 17250,000Complete - The vacuum sweeper has been purchased and equipped and is in service
27Crane Truck Replacement 2016135,000Complete - Vehicle has been purchased and is in service.
28Stormwater 1780,000This project funded upgrades to the Town's stormwater management plan and Notice of Intent to comply with the 2018 General Permit of Municipal Separate Storm Sewers under the Federal Clean Water Act.
29WTP Upgrades 2016 (THM)1,519,200This project will reduce disinfection byproducts in the water distribution system.  The project has been designed, permitted, bid, and improvements are currently under construction at all three water treatment plants.  Work was delayed as a result of design and permitting taking longer than originally anticipated.  Currently, equipment has been approved and ordered, underground work at the Broadway treatment plant is largely complete, and temporary chemical feed systems have been installed and tested at all three treatment plants.  With temporary systems in place, demolition has commenced on existing feed systems, and relocation of electrical control panels is in progress.   While there is major work ahead of us, we expect the disinfection byproduct reduction work to come on-line in the fall of 2019.
30Water Mains 2016200,000Project is complete.  A 12-inch ductile iron water main on Plain Street from Circuit Street to Hanover Street has been installed and is in service. The roadway was overlaid after the project was completed.

Future Project Updates

From the tables above, we hope you can see that work is in progress on a number of projects and purchases.  We are in the process of creating project specific web pages to better inform the public of this progress and invite you to check back often to view our progress.