About the EMA

The goal of HEMA is to make our community more aware of and prepared for potential hazards. Members of HEMA meet quarterly to develop strategies towards creating resilience. Our focus over the past few years has been to enhance our ability to provide emergency shelter during an emergency. HEMA has the capability to open and staff an emergency shelter for more than 100 individuals at the Hanover High School. HEMA also has the capability to open a comfort station at the Senior Center. A comfort station is a location where residents can come to warm up, cool off, and charge electronic devices during protracted power outages. A comfort station does not have dormitory capabilities. The Senior Center as a generator; this strengthens the Town’s ability to help those in need during emergencies.

We would not be able to open a comfort station or shelter without assistance. We work together with the Hanover School Department, Community Services, Police Department, DPW and Facilities Department, Hanover’s Community Emergency Response Team (CERT team), the Medical Reserve Corp (MRC) and other volunteers to ensure that we are prepared to provide 24 hour support for emergencies.

HEMA participates in quarterly South Coastal Emergency Management Team meetings. During these meetings representatives from American Red Cross, Salvation Army, the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA), Medical Reserve Corp, Department of Public Health, Health and Medical Coordinating Coalition and South Shore Hospital share best practices to enhance our emergency preparedness.

When there are emergencies, we anticipate residents will stay in their homes (shelter in place), if possible. In making that decision, it is important to be sure each resident has the necessary supplies to last at least 3 days (72 hours).