Vacancies on Conservation Commission

1 Associate Member position, 1 designee for Comm Pres. Rep.
Salmon Brook Trail

The Conservation Commission currently has a vacancy on the board  for an Associate Member.  Taking this position provides an opportunity to learn Conservation policies and procedures, as well as becoming familiar with on-going projects in Town.  If, due to unforseen circumstances, only 2 full Members are present at a meeting, an Associate will be called upon to act as a voting Member. This is important, because Open Meeting Law requires a quorum of three members (for a 5-member board) in order to hold a governmental meeting, without which, the meeting must be cancelled. The Associate position then, allows the Commission to hold meetings in a prudent and timely manner.

If you are interested in joining the Commission, Volunteer forms are available at the Board of Selectmen's Office or on the Hanover website:

If you have any questions, please call the Conservation Office at 781-826-6505.

Thank you.